Our expertise on gender mainstreaming and gender equality policy-making has been mobilised in a variety of contexts and assignments. A selection of these is presented here.
Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming
1. Institutional capacity for gender mainstreaming
In 2013, Yellow Window performed a study entitled “institutional capacity and effective methods, tools and good practices for gender mainstreaming in the European Commission, the 27 EU Member States and Croatia” for the European Institute for Gender Equality. The study comprised data collection and analysis at the level of the European Commission and at national (and regional) level in 28 countries; a comparative analysis across countries; an in-depth study phase about the implementation of Gender Impact Assessment as a method; and the development of guidelines on gender impact assessment.
2. Gender mainstreaming policy support materials
Between 2013 and 2014, Yellow Window produced the contents for EIGE’s online resource on Gender Mainstreaming, targeting primarily European Commission officials. Nine modules were developed: one general module, and eight policy-specific modules covering Transport, Energy, Education & Training, Research, Digital Agenda, Health, Immigration, and Tourism.
3. Gender support services for EU development cooperation
Yellow Window, NIRAS and ITC-ILO form the consortium that provides gender support services in the form of a helpdesk to the EC and its institutional partners (Delegations and Representation Offices) in all areas relevant to development cooperation. This work, for which Yellow Window provides the Team Leader, started in 2016 for an initial duration of two years but was extended to run till end 2020.
4. Gender stereotypes
In 2011, Yellow Window conducted ‘A study of collected narratives related to gender perceptions in the 27 EU Member States’. It was commissioned by the European Institute for Gender Equality. The central objective of the study was to collect real-life stories related to gender perceptions in the form of narratives. The specific aim was to map and analyse stereotypical gender attitudes and perceptions through stories provided by women and men of all ages from across the EU Member States. These stories were collected and made available in an online database, here.
The synthesis report from the study can be found here.