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Raeymaekers, P., Denis A., Mergaert L., Guffens C. Kwetsbare ouderen thuis ondersteunen. Lokale krachten bundelen. Brussel: Koning Boudewijnstichting, 2017, 104 p.

Denis, A., Gruber, P., Raeymakers, P. Recommendations and Proposed Measures for a Belgian Plan for Rare Diseases – Final Report. King Baudouin Foundation, 2011.

Denis, A. and Teller, M. Hefbomen voor een betere patiëntenparticipatie. Nieuwe praktijken en mogelijkheden voor erkenning en financiering. 2011. King Baudouin Foundation, 2011

Denis A., Mergaert L., Fostier C., Cleemput I., Hulstaert F., Simoens S. Critical assessment of Belgian Reimbursement Dossiers of Orphan Drugs, PharmacoEconomics, 2011, Volume 29, Number 10, pp. 883-893(11)

Denis A., Mergaert L., Fostier C., Cleemput I., Hulstaert F., Simoens S. Critical assessment of Belgian Reimbursement Dossiers of Orphan Drugs, Value in Health, 2010, vol:13, issue:7.

Denis A., Mergaert L., Fostier C., Cleemput I., Simoens S. A comparative study of European rare disease and orphan drug markets. Health Policy, 2010, 97, 173-179.

Denis A., Mergaert L., Fostier C., Cleemput I., Simoens S.  Issues surrounding orphan disease and orphan drug policies in Europe.  Applied Health Economics & Health Policy, 2010, 8, 5.

Denis A., Mergaert L., Fostier C., Cleemput I., Simoens S.  Budget impact analysis of orphan drugs in Belgium: estimates from 2008 to 2013. Journal of Medical Economics, 2010, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 295-301.

Denis A., Mergaert L., Fostier C., Cleemput I., Simoens S.  Les maladies orphelines et les médicaments orphelins: une analyse Belge et Européenne.  Journal de Pharmacie de Belgique 2009, no. 4, pp. 131-137.

Denis A, Simoens S, Fostier C, Mergaert L, Cleemput I. Policies for Orphan Diseases and Orphan Drugs. Health Technology Assessment (HTA). Brussels: Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE); 2009. KCE reports 112C (D/2009/10.273/32). Available at:

Denis A, Mergaert L, De financiële situatie van patiëntenverenigingen in België, Reeks: Patiëntenparticipatie in gezondheidszorg en gezondheidsbeleid, Koning Boudewijnstichting, 2009. (Report about the financial situation of patient organizations in Belgium, commissioned by the King Baudouin Foundation).

Denis A, Mergaert L, La situation financière des associations de patients en Belgique, Série : Participation des patients dans les soins de santé et la politique de santé, Fondation Roi Baudouin, 2009. (Report about the financial situation of patient organizations in Belgium, commissioned by the King Baudouin Foundation).

Denis A, Mergaert L, Fostier C. Organisation and financing of genetic testing in Belgium. Health Services Research (HSR). Brussels: Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE); 2007. KCE reports 65C (D/2006/10.273/46). Available at:

Vlayen J, Vanthomme K, Camberlin C, Piérart J, Walckiers D, Kohn L, Vinck I, Denis A, Meeus P, Van Oyen H, Leonard C. Een eerste stap naar het meten van de performantie van het Belgische gezondheidszorgsysteem. Health Services Research (HSR). Brussel: Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE). 2010. KCE Reports 128A. (D/2010/10.273/25). Available at:

Christiaens W, Kohn L, Léonard C, Denis A, Daue F, Cleemput I. Modellen voor burger- en patiëntenparticipatie in het gezondheidszorgbeleid – Deel 1: Verkenning van de haalbaarheid en aanvaardbaarheid. Health Services Research (HSR). Brussel: Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE). 2012. KCE Reports 195A.s D/2012/10.273/106.

Christiaens W, Kohn L, Léonard C, Denis A, Daue F, Cleemput I Models for citizen and patient involvement in health care policy – Part I: exploration of their feasibility and acceptability. Health Services Research (HSR). Brussels: Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). 2012. KCE Reports 195C. D/2012/10.273/105.

Anthierens S, Willemse E, Remmen R, Schmitz O, Macq J, Declercq A, Arnaut C, Forest M, Denis A, Vinck I, Defourny N, Farfan-Portet MI. Support for informal caregivers – an exploratory analysis. Health Services Research (HSR) Brussels: Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). 2014. KCE Reports 223. D/2014/10.273/40.

Leye, E., L. Mergaert, C. Arnaut and S. O’Brien Green (2014). Towards a better estimation of prevalence of female genital mutilation in the European Union: interpreting existing evidence in all EU Member States. Genus, [S.l.], v. 70, n. 1, aug. 2014. ISSN 2035-5556

Cleemput, I., Christiaens, W., Kohn, L., Léonard, C., Daue, F., & Denis, A. (2015). Acceptability and Perceived Benefits and Risks of Public and Patient Involvement in Health Care Policy: A Delphi Survey in Belgian Stakeholders. Value in Health.

Farfan-Portet M-I, Denis A, Mergaert L, Daue F, Mistiaen P, Gerkens S. Implementation of hospital at home: orientations for Belgium. Health Services Research (HSR) Brussels: Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). 2015. KCE Reports 250. D/2015/10.273/68.

Deschodt M, Claes V, Van Grootven B, Milisen K, Boland B, Flamaing J, Denis A, Daue F, Mergaert L, Devos C, Mistiaen P, Van den Heede K. Comprehensive geriatric care in hospitals: the role of inpatient geriatric consultation teams. Health Services Research (HSR) Brussels: Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). 2015. KCE Reports 245. D/2015/10.273/48. Accessible at: