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Our assessment tools

YW has developed a series of self-assessment tools tailored for different types of organisations. These user-friendly tools offer a comprehensive framework to evaluate institutional capacity and progress in gender and DEI mainstreaming. Designed around key “impact drivers” for institutional change, the assessments help organisations gauge their strengths and areas for improvement towards effectively embedding gender and DEI mainstreaming practices.

The assessments typically require 2.5 to 3 hours to complete, ideally with a small group of key change agents who have a strong understanding of the institution. Upon completion, participants receive a detailed report highlighting their position across six developmental stages, along with customised feedback on how to advance. We encourage organisations to regularly repeat the assessment, for example every 12 to 18 months, to track their progress and gain continuous insights that drive long-term, impactful change.

Assessment Tool of Institutional Gender Mainstreaming Capacity – for Research and Higher Education Institutions

This tool is designed to help higher education institutions and researchperforming organisations evaluate their progress on institutional gender mainstreaming. By assessing the core “Impact Drivers” necessary for change, the tool allows your organisation to identify both strengths and areas for improvement.

Learn more

The GEP Capacity Assessment tool is part of a series of user-friendly self-assessment tools designed to help various types of organisations evaluate their institutional capacity and progress in gender mainstreaming.  This comprehensive framework is built around key “Impact Drivers” for institutional change enabling organisations to assess their strengths and identify areas for improvement in embedding gender mainstreaming practices effectively. 

This tool is based on an assessment model developed by Lut Mergaert, Marcela Linková and Marina Cacace of which a first version originates from the EU-funded project CASPER (Grant Agreement number 872113). For more information about the model, see their article in Social Sciences, here.

Why use the GEP Capacity Assessment tool? 

This tool is designed to help higher education institutions and research-performing organisations evaluate their progress on institutional gender mainstreaming. By assessing the core “Impact Drivers” necessary for change, the tool allows higher education and research-performing organisations to identify both strengths and areas for improvement.  

What to expect 

Upon completing the assessment, you will receive a detailed report outlining your organisation’s position across six stages of institutional development: 

  • Starting point
  • Project
  • Inception
  • Growth 
  • Integration
  • Institutionalisation 

For each Impact Driver, you will receive tailored feedback based on your organisation’s current level of institutionalisation, together with valuable guidance for next steps to take. We encourage organisations to repeat the assessment every 12-18 months to track progress and drive long-term, impactful change. 

How it works 

  • Complete the assessment: Answer a series of questions designed to evaluate key areas of your organisation’s GEP capacities. 
  • Receive the report: After completing the assessment, you will receive a detailed report with insights and recommendations tailored to your organisation. 
  • Monitor progress: We recommend repeating the assessment periodically to track your progress and ensure continuous improvement. 

Ready to begin? 

Click below to start your assessment.

Data Protection and Confidentiality

By completing these tools, you consent to the collection of your organisation’s data for the purpose of assessing your organisation’s institutional capacity for gender mainstreaming. While personal data (such as names and email addresses) may be collected, it will not be processed for the assessment or analysis. The personal data will only be used for administrative purposes and will not be shared or processed further. 

Your organisational data, collected through the tool, will be treated with strict confidentiality. Only authorised personnel of Yellow Window and Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ISAS) will have access to this data. No identifiable organisational information will be shared with third parties without your consent. Aggregated anonymised organisational data from the assessment may be used for research and analytical purposes to improve our understanding of gender mainstreaming efforts across institutions, countries or regions as relevant. Your individual organisation’s responses will not be identifiable in any analytical outputs. 

The dataset, with all institutions’ data collected via this tool, is jointly owned by Yellow Window and ISAS. It is stored by Yellow Window on protected servers. 

You have the right to access, correct, or erase your data at any time. If you have any questions or concerns about your data or the assessment, please contact us at 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What’s the best approach to fill the assessment?

We recommend engaging the members of your core team and other key internal stakeholders involved in institutional change for gender equality. Organise a dedicated session (either online or in- person) to review the Impact Drivers and indicators together. Be sure to document your justifications in the optional follow-up questions for each indicator. You can save your progress at any time using the button in the top-right corner and return later if needed.

Does each member of the core team have to fill out the assessment?
No, only one core team member needs to fill the tool. However, all core team members are recommended to be involved in the process to ensure a comprehensive and accurate assessment.

How much time is required to complete the assessment?
The assessment typically requires 2.5 to 3 hours to complete, ideally with a small group of key change agents who have a strong understanding of the institution.

What is the purpose of adding an email on the first page of the online tool?
The email address serves two purposes:

  1. To send you reminders in case the assessment is partially completed.
  2. To deliver the final report once the assessment is complete.

What should I do if I encounter technical issues while using the tool?
If you experience any technical difficulties, please reach out to our support team at We’re happy to assist you!

How often should the assessment be repeated?
We encourage organisations to repeat the assessment every 12 to 18 months. This helps track progress over time and provides continuous insights for driving change.

Preview the tool

To preview the tool before its completion, click here. This file offers an overview of the impact drivers, their indicators, and the corresponding stages of institutionalisation. A detailed explanation of each Impact Driver can be found on page 6.

Find more information and the assessment in Czech

Nástroj pro hodnocení kapacity pro implementaci GEP je součástí série uživatelsky přívětivých nástrojů pro sebehodnocení, které pomáhají různým typům organizací posoudit jejich institucionální kapacitu a pokrok v oblasti gender mainstreamingu. Tento komplexní rámec je založen na klíčových „katalyzátorech změny“ (Impact Drivers) umožňujících organizacím identifikovat své silné stránky i oblasti pro zlepšení při efektivním zavádění gender mainstreamingu.

Tento nástroj je založen na hodnotícím modelu vyvinutém Lut Mergaert, Marcelou Linkovou a Marinou Cacace, jehož první verze pochází z projektu CASPER financovaného EU (grantová dohoda číslo 872113). Více informací o modelu naleznete v jejich článku v časopise Social Sciences zde.

Proč využít nástroj pro hodnocení kapacity pro implementaci GEP?
Tento nástroj je navržen tak, aby pomáhal vysokoškolským institucím a výzkumným organizacím hodnotit svůj pokrok v oblasti institucionálního gender mainstreamingu. Hodnocením klíčových „katalyzátorů změny“ umožňuje nástroj organizacím identifikovat silné stránky i oblasti, které je potřeba zlepšit.

Co můžete očekávat
Po dokončení hodnocení obdržíte podrobnou zprávu, která shrnuje pozici vaší organizace v rámci šesti úrovní institucionalizace:

  • Bod nula
  • Projektové stádium
  • Počáteční stádium
  • Stádium růstu
  • Stádium integrace
  • Stádium institucionalizace

Pro každý „katalyzátor změny“ obdržíte personalizovanou zpětnou vazbu na základě úrovně institucionalizace ve vaší organizaci spolu s cennými doporučeními pro další kroky. Hodnocení doporučujeme opakovat každých 12–18 měsíců, abyste mohli*y sledovat svůj pokrok a zasazovat se o dlouhodobé a smysluplné změny.

Jak to funguje
Vyplňte hodnocení: Odpovězte na řadu otázek navržených k posouzení klíčových oblastí kapacity vaší organizace pro implementaci GEP.

Získejte zprávu: Po dokončení hodnocení obdržíte podrobnou zprávu s poznatky a doporučeními přizpůsobenými vaší organizaci.
Sledujte pokrok: Doporučujeme hodnocení pravidelně opakovat, abyste mohli*y sledovat svůj pokrok a zajistili*y kontinuální zlepšování.

Připraveni*y začít?
Klikněte níže a spusťte hodnocení [to be available soon]

Často kladené otázky (FAQ)

Jak nejlépe vyplnit hodnocení?

Doporučujeme zapojit členy*ky vašeho týmu a další klíčové osoby a útvary zapojené do institucionální změny v oblasti genderové rovnosti. Zorganizujte speciální schůzku (online nebo osobně), na které společně projděte „katalyzátory změny“ (Impact Drivers) a jejich indikátory. Nezapomeňte své odpovědi zdůvodnit v nepovinné části u každého ukazatele. Svůj postup můžete kdykoli uložit pomocí tlačítka v pravém horním rohu a později se k hodnocení vrátit.

Musí každý člen*ka týmu vyplnit hodnocení zvlášť?

Ne, nástroj vyplňuje pouze jeden*na člen*ka týmu. Pro komplexní a přesné hodnocení však doporučujeme, aby se všichni členové*ky týmu do hodnotícího procesu zapojili*y.

Kolik času je potřeba na dokončení hodnocení?

Dokončení hodnocení obvykle zabere 2,5 až 3 hodiny, ideálně v kooperaci malé skupiny klíčových agentů*ek změny, kteří*é instituci dobře rozumí.

Jaký je účel zadání e-mailu na první stránce online nástroje?

E-mailová adresa slouží ke dvěma účelům:

  1. K zasílání upomínacího e-mailu v případě, kdy není hodnocení dokončeno
  2. K doručení závěrečné zprávy po dokončení hodnocení

Co mám dělat, pokud při používání nástroje narazím na technické problémy?

Pokud narazíte na technické potíže, obraťte se na náš tým podpory na adrese Rádi*y vám pomůžeme!

Jak často by se mělo hodnocení opakovat?

Hodnocení doporučujeme organizacím opakovat každých 12 až 18 měsíců. To pomáhá sledovat pokrok v průběhu času a přináší průběžné poznatky ve věci pohánění změn.

Get Started: Take the Assessment

Assessment Tool for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mainstreaming Capacity in Municipalities – for Municipalities

This tool is designed to help municipalities to evaluate their progress on institutional DEI mainstreaming. By assessing the core “Impact Drivers” necessary for change, the tool allows your organisation to identify both strengths and areas for improvement.

Learn more

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Capacity Assessment tool is part of a series of user-friendly self-assessment tools designed to help various types of organisations evaluate their institutional capacity and progress in gender and DEI mainstreaming.  This comprehensive framework is built around key “Impact Drivers” for institutional change enabling organisations to assess their strengths and identify areas for improvement in embedding gender mainstreaming practices effectively.

This tool is based on an assessment model developed by Lut Mergaert, Marina Cacace and Marcela Linková, of which a first version originates from the EU-funded project CASPER (Grant Agreement number 872113). For more information about the model, see their article in Social Sciences, here. This assessment was developed by YW and adjusted for municipalities under the DiGiN project (Grant Agreement number 101144379).

Why use the DEI Capacity Assessment tool?

This tool is designed to help municipalities to evaluate their progress on institutional DEI mainstreaming. By assessing the core “Impact Drivers” necessary for change, the tool allows your organisation to identify both strengths and areas for improvement.

What to expect

Upon completing the assessment, you will receive a detailed report outlining your organisation’s position across six stages of institutional development:

  • Starting point
  • Project
  • Inception
  • Growth
  • Integration
  • Institutionalisation

For each Impact Driver, you will receive feedback based on your organisation’s current level of institutionalisation. We encourage organisations to repeat the assessment every 12-18 months to track progress and drive long-term, impactful change.

How it works

  • Complete the assessment: Answer a series of questions designed to evaluate key areas of your organisation’s DEI capacities.
  • Receive the report: After completing the assessment, you will receive a detailed report with insights and feedback tailored to your organisation.
  • Monitor progress: We recommend repeating the assessment periodically to track your progress and ensure continuous improvement.

Ready to begin?

Click below to start your assessment and take the next step toward strengthening diversity, equity and inclusion within your organisation.

Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ)

What’s the best approach to fill the assessment?

We recommend engaging the members of your core team and other key internal stakeholders involved in DEI mainstreaming. Organise a dedicated session (either online or in- person) to review the Impact Drivers and indicators together. Be sure to document your justifications in the optional follow-up questions for each indicator. You can save your progress at any time using the button in the top-right corner of the tool and return later if needed.

Does each member of the core team have to fill out the assessment?
No, only one core team member needs to fill the tool. However, all core team members are recommended to be involved in the process to ensure a comprehensive and accurate assessment.

How much time is required to complete the assessment?
The assessment typically requires 2.5 to 3 hours to complete, ideally with a small group of key change agents who have a strong understanding of the institution.

What is the purpose of adding an email on the first page of the online tool?
The email address serves two purposes:

  1. To send you reminders in case the assessment is partially completed.
  2. To deliver the final report once the assessment is complete.

What should I do if I encounter technical issues while using the tool?
If you experience any technical difficulties, please reach out to our support team at We’re happy to assist you!

How often should the assessment be repeated?
We encourage organisations to repeat the assessment every 12 to 18 months. This helps track progress over time and provides continuous insights for driving change.

Preview the tool

To preview the tool before its completion, click here. This file offers an overview of the impact drivers and their indicators. Additionally, you can view this file, which gives you an overview of the different stages of institutionalisation that will help with your scoring.

Data Protection and Confidentiality

By completing these tools, you consent to the collection of your organisation’s data for the purpose of assessing your organisation’s institutional capacity for gender mainstreaming. While personal data (such as names and email addresses) may be collected, it will not be processed for the assessment or analysis. The personal data will only be used for administrative purposes and will not be shared or processed further. 

Your organisational data, collected through the tool, will be treated with strict confidentiality. Only authorised personnel of Yellow Window will have access to this data. No identifiable organisational information will be shared with third parties without your consent. Aggregated anonymised organisational data from the assessment may be used for research and analysis purposes to improve our understanding of gender mainstreaming efforts across institutions, countries or regions as relevant. Your individual organisation’s responses will not be identifiable in any research outputs. 

The dataset, with all institutions’ data collected via this tool, is owned by Yellow Window and it is stored by Yellow Window on protected servers. 

You have the right to access, correct, or erase your data at any time. If you have any questions or concerns about your data or the assessment, please contact us at 

Get Started: Take the Assessment